Sedona Vortex Soul Journey
The beauty and peace of this ancient land will touch your heart & soul
Your spirit will be uplifted by Sedona's energy & Light
You can return home with new passion & purpose for your life...
Personal Journeys
Our Personalized Journeys will support you in exploring the energies of Sedona
Our guides are knowledgeable of the area and intuitively guided to provide the most meaningful time in the vortexes of beautiful Sedona
We will go to Sedona’s “Main Vortexes” & “Minor Vortex” and “Energy Spots”
We will Personalize & tailor your journey to what will work best for you
Journeys & Tours are 3-8 hours in length or more
We can customize the tour to your skills
We do not mix our guests with people outside of their groups on Journeys & Tours
Other times we may offer a Journey & Tours that can be mixed on a theme,
such as, the Medicine Wheel Ceremonies.
Below are some of the locations that we offer "theme" journeys & tours out by their energies
Averages about 1 location per hour
These can made into short stops or longer ones
Read about them and see how they feel to you. Thank You.
Bell rock is the most iconic shape starting in the East of Village of Oak Creek that stands next to Castle Rock, Jacks Canyon, Twin Peaks, Baby Bell, and a variety of trails and rock formations. Symbol of the “Bell of Change” and basis for the “Crystalline City” found within it. Trails take you all round the base of the bell and radiate in various directions that are used for biking, hiking, walking animals, horseback riding, running, photography, and more. They also make an infinity symbol around Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte. Trees are twisted and straight, flowers on cactus, small shrubs, and lizards are scattered everywhere. Iconic pure Upflow Masculine Vortex. Great place to connect, release, and meditate.
Baby Bell and the Courthouse can be added to make this a one stop 3 hr journey.
Our Journey that we take here is:
Connecting to your Roots This is One of the most visible sights in Sedona and hard to miss its “Bell” shape. The red rock here is One of the Main World’s main Energy Centers – with the Rejuvenational Healing Energies, it feels like a Fountain of Youth. The Base of Bell Rock is said to contain Crystals and Great Vortex energies to re-connect to the child within and family. Provides a Knowingness of your journey. This will have some walking involved. Meditation, hug from a Grandmother Tree, Merge into the Rock. Energy of Bell rock is connecting to the Innocence of a Child, Balance, Masculine and Feminine Energies, and carries powerful strengths. We can go on the Bell Rock Trail around the area in front of the Bell Rock as well as to the 1st bench area on the Bell. There is a sweet Grandmother Vortexed Tree to feel the heartbeat of the nature there.
Cathedral Rock has 4 different areas to it and will change it appearance as to drive and walk around it’s infamous vortex. The energies strength over a large area and lines up with the Oak Creek at the Red Rock Crossing that brings this area into a feminine consciousness. The feminine energy there strengthens compassion, kindness, patience, and empowerment. It offers an inward perspective along the creek and a higher perspective when you climb up to the “saddle” area on top. Upflow vortex to the first Mesa and then shifts to an inflow/upflow votex at the top.
Our Journey that we take here is:
Follow the trail to the ceremonial mesa where you are in the triangle of the Family, Creation, and Personal Empowerment. Great Place to feel Awakened into your Soul’s journey. Cathedral Rock has a natural beauty of changing its appearance by the point of view you see it in. Powerful Vortex energies to awaken the soul and breath taking views. The sun crosses overhead throughout the day and the Milky Way through the night. Great spot for the full moon.
3 WAYS INTO CATHEDRAL - 179 / Back O Beyond, Baldwin Trail, or Red Rock Crossing. Also to Secret Slick Rock / Ramshead trail. We can decide which one fits to the best physically.
Up in the sacred canyon area you can walk the trail to the Vortex of “Balance” with the Warrior Rock sits in front of the Kachina spire creating a ying/yang energy – the balance of masculine and feminine energies. These energies create a balance between the relationships, commitment, honesty, intimacy, and openness. Standing in the middle of both you can feel the point of the energies. Some will climb fearlessly to the top of the Warrior rock and others will sit between the tall Kachina woman. You can feel the energies all the way down to the parking lot. The Sacred energies of the entrance of the Boynton Canyon, mark the entrance into Secret Mountain. The Native Americans have believed that this is Canyon is where they were birthed out of. Sacred places on the Vista as well as a 6 mile mile canyon hike. Since this is in the Secret Mountain Wilderness we only go up to Deadmans Pass to meditate in Dakota’s bench .
Upflow vortex to the first Mesa and then shifts to an inflow/upflow votex at the top.
Our Journey that we take here is:
“ANCIENT BALANCE ” Boynton Canyon
Feeling out of Harmony and Balance? Here is the sacred lands of balancing Masculine and Feminine energies and connect to your true soul essence. Visit the Kachina Woman and her Warrior surrounded by the canyon echos of long ago. Feel the presence of the guardians of the land as you see the rock faces. Connect with the Gentle, yet Powerful Vortex Energies of these Sacred Canyons. Our tour allows us to go to the Dakota bench or down Deadman's Pass. To see the blend of male and female energies.
The 2 smaller mounds as you first come up the airport road has a strong vortex energy connect to the Masculine energy of self-confidence, to take charge of their life, and claim their rights. Creates an Assertive action, Decisiveness, Focus, Solutions, and Concentration. This one is a very easy area to get to with a slight amount of climbing form the parking area. A little further up the road there is a larger parking lot where you can walk to a Look-out Point and see a great view of the Northern part of Sedona and up into the Canyons area. Great Place for a meditation.
It feels like you are on the top of the world as you sit on the vista seeing an view of W Sedona to the Canyons and the look to the East and South with Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte.
This was a main location during the 1987 Harmonic Conversion. Enjoy seeing the vortex indicators of Twisted trees and the views.
Journey to the top of the vortex of the “Heart of Sedona” for an incredible 360 View of beautiful Sedona’s Red Rocks and Power spots. Time Allows for Serenity and Meditation for a powerful Re-Connections to your Heart and Soul “Remembering it is not the destination but the Journey that teaches you to Follow Your Heart.” There is a trail the leads around the base of the Sugarloaf and then to the top.
On our tour, there is a few different ways to go here. Its a full 3 hr tour to go to the top of Sugarloaf. We also offer the beginning of the Teacup trail to the base to step into the heart energy. Usually lasts about 45 min to 1 hr. Feel the sense of nature, birds singing, animals may walk by, feeling of the heart, maybe a meditation. Sensing the heart.
Shake up your perspectives of your life journey as the land offers unique shifting of perceptions to create illusions to disappear. Great opportunity to be on ceremonial lands. See the guardians of the Canyon. Connect with your Truth as you claim your Voice to Speak your Truth in this Vortex. Many have become Passive and with holding their voice in the lifetime. This is an area to realize it is time to remove the masks of the past to open up to becoming Assertive to “Say what you Mean, and Mean what you Say.”
Come and feel the time to come to Speak your Truth and share your voice. There’s a few different ways to experience the energies of Thunder Mt.
I would like to offer a New Name: "Ascension Rock"
Feel like you have been here before? Walking this land? Special area to connect to the Native Spirits of the rocks to feel the journeys of Vision Quests connecting to the Ancient ways of life that Weave the animal energies & totems with the Freedom of the Eagles. Surrounded by the Ancient Wisdom and many Ruins in Cockscomb, Bear & Doe Mountain, and Fay & Boynton Canyons.
This a long hike or a short one the bring you the the for north corner of Sedona. We can see the sunset and stars gazing. Beautiful place the look over the National Forest.
Be with the Ancient Medicine Men & Women, Elders, Grandmothers, and Shamans to connect to their Wisdom. Brings in the energies of Focus and Clarity through the teachings it Elders (both male and female wisdom keepers). This is off one of the Oldest Road in Sedona. Ceremonial lands and handing off the Torch of Wisdom to the next group of Elders. Feel the energies of the land and its Native and Pioneer connections.
We are permitted by the National Forest and Commercially insured. We are a Female run Family business. Our company has continued the female business as we bought it from Linda Summers who started the company over 30 years.
Other Areas that connect to the Energies of the Vortex
On the center of Seven Canyons Golf Course there is a Knoll (a larger mound of land) that is known as Rachel's Knoll. It is watched over by the Golf Course so you have to pass through the entrance gate, mention "Rachel's Knoll", pay a small fee ad then give up to the top to see beautiful views. The previous Medicine Wheel that was on the land there has been removed. The Buddhist Stupa graciously allowed it to be rebuild on its land so that the community can still have connection to the Medicine Wheel there.HOLY CHAPEL IN THE ROCKS
The Stone Chapel with a face of a tall cross, is building into the Red Rock on a very sacred place. It is surrounded by rock faces, animals, and spires that are nicknamed the Madonna, and the two nuns. Walk up the winding ramp to a beautiful chapel area where you can sit inside and meditate and light beautiful red candles. Built in 1956, to provide a beautiful place to feel the sacred energies. Views are fantastic of 3 of the other Vortexes, Bell, Cathedral, and Airport are seen from these view. Feel the spiritual intention placed by the original creator of this piece of art. Open between 9-5 daily.BUDDHIST STUPA - Spinning Prayer Wheels, Walking around the Stupa, Meditation, Medicine Wheel. Listen to the flags in the wind. Connect with your Buddha Within. Open dawn to dusk. Find a brick on the path.
LITTLE HORSE TRAIL - Center of the Circle of Energy in the south part of Sedona. Varies paths.
TEACUP TRAIL / SUGARLOAF VISTA - Finding your Heartbeat in the Center of Sedona.
THUNDER MOUNTAIN TRIAL - Surrounding the Chimney Rock around to the Thunder Mt. Various times and distance. Quiet area.
DRY CREEK VISTA - View the 7 canyons in the north part of Sedona heading into 40 miles of Wilderness. See the Crescent of Mescal, Boynton Canyon, Long Canon, Fay Canyon, Bear Mountain, Doe Mesa, See your Journey moving forward. Stand in a Masculine tree. Many twisted trees and crystals in the ground. Clear your throat open your voice.
DEADMAN'S PASS TRAIL - A rail around the base of Boynton Canyon Vista. Quiet trail.
SEDONA HISTORICAL MUSEUM - Jordan family farm that shows Sedona from the early homestead family.
LODGE MEDICINE WHEEL #1 - Lakota Medicine Wheel and the Labyrinth. Stones from all parts of Sedona
YAVAPAI MEDICINE WHEEL #2 - Behind the Stupa facing the Thounder Mt and Chimney Rock. This was the type from Rachel’s Knoll.
Travel the Oak Creek Canyon - The Dairy Queen has 10 tables set up by the Native tribes selling their crafts. Slide Rock State Park where many side through the water, Many people drive this way to Flagstaff and Grand Canyon. Tall Ponderosa Pine Trees line the road. Old Lava flows from Sunset Crater volcano line the upper layer of rocks.
Don't forget
We can also add these sites as well as other Historical sites,
Local spots, Oak Creek Canyon, and much more.
Enjoy your time here in Sedona, there are a lot to see, feel, and do.
Let your heart lead the way.
We have a lot of Local Artists in town too.
We sponsor many of them at our storefront at
333 N SR 89A #5
Sedona, AZ 86336
Long Canyon
Sunset Castle Rock
Sedona Sunset
Sedona Sunset
Secret Slickrock Cathedral Rock
Visit Our Metaphysical Store:
Aligning Light Center of Sedona
333 N SR 89A, Suite 5
Uptown Sedona
We have over 80 local vendors who bring in their beautiful work.
Something for Everyone.
Check out our page about the store HERE.