Meet Your Guide:
Crystal StarrWeaver
Crystal StarrWeaver provides sacred, fun and deeply informative Spiritual Journeys in Sedona. She loves the area and love assisting others on their path. As the main Lead Journey Guide with vast amount of wisdom and experiences, Crystal is a soul teacher, guide, coach and Rainbow Grandmother.
Crystal provides sacred, fun and deeply informative Spiritual Journeys in Sedona. She loves the area and love assisting others on their path. She offers unique insights into spiritual paths and life purpose. It’s time to be YOU.
She is an experienced intuitive and land Guide who will take you to many known and unknown places around the area. Her gentle demeanor and wisdom is easily seen as she talks to you about your life's journey and how the energies of Sedona can assist you in a shift in your life. She Blends History, Science, Native American Culture, Energy, and more.
Crystal’s tours are deeply transformative, knowledgable, sacred and life changing!
Come on a journey and be guided by Crystal through the beautiful landscape of Sedona, magical vortex energies and the powerful connections to Mother Earth.
Crystal StarrWeaver is truly a jewel of the heart, in the heart of Sedona.
Experienced guide, knowledgeable of the area and land, sharing extensive wisdom & spiritual practices
Native American Cherokee Grandmother, sharing Tolec & other processes
(Adopted) Hopi Grandmother / Daughter of Pele
Medicine Wheel Teacher & Ceremonial Leader
Crystal Matrix Teacher
Intuitive Counseling & National Speaker
“Divine Alignment Facilitator"
“Sedona Wisdom Keeper”
“Sacred Earth Keeper”
“Universal Ambassador”
“Soul Empowermental Activator”
Crystal StarrWeaver blends her Science Teaching background of Energy, Geology, with Native American Heritage, History of Sedona.
As a Spiritual Intuitive, and Life / Soul Counselor, she is Aligning of Hearts, Minds, Body, Soul, and the Light Within. Loves to assist guests to step into their Empowerment, Assertiveness, Manifestation, Self Fulfillment to see the Gifts & Strengths of their Journey.
Into a new Golden Age, humanity is awakening to rediscover our true nature ~ that we are spiritual beings of LIGHT in a physical body, a presence on, and beyond, the earth. Life is so easy when we realize who we are and how the puzzle pieces fit together. You are the creator of our life path by the choices that we make."
Our amazing journey is known by many names ~
"The Awakening", "Illumination", "Self-Realization", "Ascension", "Enlightenment"
Crystal StarrWeaver has taken others on journeys in Peru, Hawaii, and Mt Shasta, California before moving to Sedona. Her personal area of assistance is weaving Assertiveness and Empowerment into her journeys & teachings as she encourages clients to Align to their Heart, Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit to their Higher Self. Self Love, Gratitude, Awareness, Compassion, Balance, Conscious Language, and Empowerment are keys to raising one’s vibration.
She has been a certified teacher in Health, Psychology, and Sciences. StarrWeaver has worked in Prison systems, Middle School, Pre-School, and College level. She has multiple educational degrees including a Masters in Educational Psychology, that she incorporates in her sessions. During her quest to discover her path & discover who she is, she has learned many processes and skills that she weaves together in her sessions and journeys.
She is certified as a Neuro-Linguist Programming (NLP) - Master Facilitator, Crystal Mastery, Intuitive Alignment Facilitator, and many other energy skills and modalities. Being taught by Hopi Grandmothers and Daughters of Pele in Hawaii and varies cultures she has been open to learning the interconnections of Life and choices. Her love of Nature, Learning, Exploring, Expanding, and Discovering has assisted her greatly on this life's journey.
Crystal’s tours are “life changing”.
Sedona Spirit Journeys ~
"Awaken Your Heart in Sacred Sedona"
"Experience the Spectacular Energy of Sedona, feeling the Earth's Heartbeat in the Vortex Energies, seeing the Amazing Incredible Beautiful Views, hearing the Nature, & much more.”
- Crystal StarrWeaver
It took an extracurricular outing with Crystal StarrWeaver to bring it home. StarrWeaver led me on a three-hour vortex tour in Silver Angel, her trusty minivan. We talked about a lot of things, and at times of nothing at all. At Rachel's Knoll, a plateau that practically touches the heaven, she taught me to listen for messages in the wind. And when we got to Bell Rock, like countless others before us, we lay down on a big, sunbaked stone flecked with quartzite and closed our eyes to meditate. It took a few minutes, but then I felt it: a sense of incredible peace and serenity. I was finally connected to the land, the moment, and, for once, myself. And if that's not magical, I don't know what is."
- Sandra Ballentine
DEPARTURES Magazine, Jan/Feb 2020
Thunder Mountain
Meditation Melting on the Rocks
Prayer Wheel at Stupa
Courthouse Butte Snow
Courthouse Butte
Thunder Mt
Business Flyer
Bell Rock Trail
Thunder Mt Trail Sign
Crystal StarrWeaver
Medicine Wheel
Long Canyon View