Fragile Crust
"Don't Bust the Crust?"
What does that mean?
Sedona is a fragile environment unlike most of the country, we are still building our soil layer. There's a crust of an ancient Cynnobacteria, ("CryptoBiotic CynnoBacteria") that holds our land together and provides our environment life with its vegetation. It was the bacteria that is connected to the first point of photosynthesis that started our atmosphere. When walking off trails, one step kills the bacteria protective barrier, it’s like stepping on ants. Once gone, it is gone.
Unlike most places tourists come from we don't have a soil base. We are very fragile environment and one off trail step can destroy 100;s of years of the crust and will take another 100 years to repair it. Some of our trails are expanding with so many new visitors that walk off the current trails that is stepping on this bacteria and busting the crust or bikes ridden on it. The only problem is, it will take 50 to 100+ years to repair it.
This bacteria absorbs water for the vegetation to survive. Once the "Crypto Biotic Cynno Bacteria" is gone, our vegetation is gone. The wind will erode more, trails widen, vegetation dwindles, and we don't have 100's of years to mend it.
Please be mindful where you step. Don't create new paths even if it looks like someone already stepped there. The Crypto Biotic Cynno Bacteria is very important here. When its dry it looks like bumpy black stuff but wet looks like neon green moss (that isn't Moss)
Teach your children and yourself about this amazing uniqueness to our desert. Even have them bring an extra water bottle or 2 and look for it and slowly pour water on it to see it open and change color:
Black - Dry
Brown - Damp
Green - Wet
Bright Green - Soaked
Within in seconds it reacts to the water and opens up like straws creating a Starr Shape design. Check it out but don't step in it. Thanks
Then get out there – and experience for yourself the majesty and magic of Sedona!
STAY ON TRAIL! But what is a trail?
When the National Forest prepares a Trail to be used, they will put up signs, some areas fencing, line the trail with rocks to focus where to go, Build rock baskets called - “Carrions”, Make maps.
NOT A TRAIL - Blocked with logs, sticks, and rocks and signs that say “Healing in Progress” or “Revegation area” Signs that tell you not to go there. Newly laying down grass areas. New sand surface.
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Stars
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Mat
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Holding Water for Plants
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Heart
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Grows Close To Trail
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Dry Black
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Stars
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Darker Dry
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Older
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Wet
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust
CryptoBiotic Cyanno Bacteria Crust Younger Wet
Sticks on trail don't step over
Log blocking non-trail
Boynton Canyon Info sign
Y Trail Boynton and Map
Sign on trails - Healing in Progress Stay on trail
Trail sign and map
Rock Basket
Fencing on Trail
Do not go on this area
Biker Awawreness
Sign explain Crust info
supports the plant takes 100-200 yr to replace
Be watchful for signs
Lee Mountain
Stay on Path
Log on path means don't step over it
not a trail log was moved
someone has started a new trail - off trail
don't crossover fence - permanent damage
Dont follow these - Damaging land newly started